
Sian Mirchandani KC and Paul Fisher Talk to SCL Manchester: The Building Safety Act: What’s Occurring?

Friends' Meeting House,
6 Mount Street,
Manchester M2 5NS,

13th February 2025
6pm - 7pm GMT

4 New Square Chambers’ Siân Mirchandani KC and Paul Fisher will deliver an insightful talk on the Building Safety Act 2022 (BSA 2022) at the Society of Construction Law (SCL) in Manchester on Thursday, 13th February 2025.

This session will provide a comprehensive analysis of the key legal principles emerging from recent cases related to the BSA 2022.

The talk will explore:

  • What common points are being taken by parties in litigation?
  • How are cases currently being pleaded? 
  • How are the arguments evolving?

They will also look ahead to some of the new types of claims on the horizon (for example, claims against product manufacturers).

This talk is ideal for professional liability and construction practitioners who are seeing BSA and/or Grenfell-type claims coming through the door – from those who want to remind themselves of the basics, to those who have ample experience but want to consider where these disputes are heading in 2025.

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Siân Mirchandani KC, FCIArb

Call: 1997 Silk: 2019

Paul Fisher

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