Commercial litigation concerns and trends – autumn 2023
4 New Square’s commercial litigation networking breakfast provided a useful forum to…
George Spalton KC specialises in complex commercial litigation and international commercial and investment arbitration.
George is a highly regarded and in demand commercial advocate. He was nominated as Barrister of the Year in 2024 by both The Lawyer and Legal Business and is rated in Chambers and Partners / Legal 500 in the following seven areas, reflecting extensive experience of blue-chip litigation across a range of practice areas:
George has particular experience of high-value and high-profile international and cross-border work and has been involved in cases in a number of jurisdictions in recent years including BVI (called in 2015), Cayman Islands, Trinidad, St Vincent, St Lucia, Dubai and Hong Kong.
He was appointed to the LCIA Court in 2024 and accepts appointments as arbitrator in commercial and investment disputes. He also sits on the Executive Committee of the Commercial Bar Association.
He is particularly highly regarded as an advocate with Foxton J recently noting that George conducted cross-examination during a heavy 3 week fraud trial with “considerable skill” (HPII at [26]).
Consistent with George’s range of experience and qualities as an advocate, he has acted in a vast number of reported decisions in the last 5 years including some of the highest-value and highest-profile disputes globally – ranging from a successful 20 week civil fraud trial in the Commercial Court in London (judgment for c. $1BN), to a successful claim for Nissan in the BVI against former CEO Carlos Ghosn, to a series of ongoing investment arbitrations against Australia (pleaded in excess of $100BN).
Further details of ongoing and recent work are below:
Prior to taking silk George was named as one of ten ‘Stars of the Bar’ in a survey by Legal Week.
Arbitration Related Appointments: George was appointed to the LCIA Court in 2024 and is a Vice President of the European Users’ Council of the LCIA. In 2022 he was appointed as one of the UK delegates to the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR.
Commercial Bar: George sits on the Executive Committee of COMBAR (the Commercial Bar Association), having previously acted as Chair of Junior COMBAR. He Chairs the Gulf Sub-Committee and the Professional Education Committee. He was on the Executive Committee of the PNBA from 2016-2018.
George is also called to the Bar of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (British Virgin Islands).
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George is one of the most in demand advocates at the Commercial Bar and is highly ranked for commercial litigation in both major directories.
He is acting in a number of very high profile matters (some of which are confidential arbitrations, including advisory work for / against sovereign states) and in recent years he has successfully represented clients in numerous highly important (and high value) disputes – both in the Commercial Court and abroad.
In the last two years – by way of example – he has acted against Australia in investment arbitration proceedings; for Barrick Gold in a mining M&A fees disputes; for EuroChem in an ongoing sanctions/banking matter; for Nissan against for CEO Carlos Ghosn in the BVI; in a successful 20 week trial in the Commercial Court worth $1BN and in the HPII litigation.
Directory comments include:
George has experience of an extremely broad range of commercial disputes, extending from conflicts of law/jurisdictional issues, enforcement, asset tracing, shareholder disputes (with particular expertise in SPA related matters and Earn Out disputes), insurance and reinsurance, to commodities and civil fraud.
In addition to his work in the Commercial Court in London he has been instructed on disputes in a wide range of jurisdictions including Dubai, Oman, Singapore, Hong Kong, Trinidad & Tobago, BVI and the Channel Islands.
Examples of recent reported decisions
George also has particular expertise of disputes in the corporate and offshore context, including civil fraud claims (for example acting for the Central Bank of Trinidad & Tobago in high value claims in the Caribbean) and minority shareholder disputes and warranty claims.
George has been appointed to European Users’ Council of the LCIA for a three year term and has been appointed to the Executive Committee of COMBAR (the Commercial Bar Association), having previously acted as Chair of Junior COMBAR from 2011 to 2013. He was on the Executive Committee of the PNBA from 2016-2018.
George is a specialist international arbitration practitioner – with experience across the spectrum of international commercial disputes, investment arbitration and arbitration challenges in the Commercial Court.
He has acted as counsel and arbitrator in numerous arbitrations over the last c 20 years in a range of jurisdictions (including – by way of example of recent work – claims heard, or with seats in, Dubai, Zurich, Paris, Hong Kong, Moscow, Singapore and Egypt); as well as acting for and against nation states.
Experience of applications and claims in the Commercial Court is set out below by reference to certain decided cases and includes:
George was appointed to the LCIA Court in 2024 and is a Vice President of the European Users’ Council of the LCIA and in 2022 was appointed as one of the UK delegates to the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR. George has been listed towards the top of the rankings in international arbitration for over 15 years.
Comments in Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners include:
George is a member of a number of arbitration related bodies and has also written on this subject and provides case law updates to various journals.
He also accepts instructions to sit as arbitrator and has sat as sole arbitrator and co-arbitrator.
A flavour of George’s recent work and experience is provided by the following:
In addition, George regularly speaks at international arbitration events and conferences. Please speak to his clerk for enquiries.
“George has an ineffable ability to generate victory from scraps. There’s nobody you’d rather have beside you when backed into a corner.” – Chambers & Partners
“George is a highly accomplished performer. His skill on the professional negligence side of pensions litigation fills an essential need in these types of high value claims.” – Legal 500
“George stands out for his strategic approach and is fantastic with clients.” “A brilliant advocate and user-friendly” – Chambers & Partners
“He inspires a lot of confidence in clients and he’s very efficient and skilled.” – Chambers & Partners
“A very solid, charming advocate and a very decent guy.” “He is effective and to the point.” “A robust and pugnacious barrister, and he’s very good with clients.” – Chambers & Partners
“George is very commercially aware and properly explores the needs of the client. He is calm under pressure and has a significant intellect which, combined with charm, makes him a formidable opponent. A pleasure to work with.” “George is incredibly bright and very commercial.” – Chambers & Partners
“George is a thoroughly modern barrister, easy to engage with and sensible. He is very strong on strategy and good on his feet. Clients engage with him. All in all, a safe pair of hands.” – Legal 500
George has extensive experience of professional liability claims, both in terms of claims involving different professions and in respect of the value and type of claims. He is recommended by both Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners.
George has particular experience of acting for and against accountants and auditors, financial services professionals, insurance brokers & agents, actuaries, barrister, solicitors and surveyors. He also has good experience of disciplinary claims and tribunals.
Examples of reported decisions
George is an Editor of “Jackson & Powell on Professional Liability” and from 2013 to 2016 was one of the four co-editors of Sweet & Maxwell’s “Encyclopedia of Financial Services Law”.
His professional liability experience includes offshore work (largely focused on claims involving accountants, auditors and actuaries) – in Cayman, BVI and Trinidad & Tobago.
In 2015 George was called to the Bar of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (BVI).
George has particular experience of claims against accountants and actuaries (recently acting for KPMG, PwC and BDO). He is the editor of the chapter on actuaries in Jackson & Powell.
George also has significant experience of tax related claims (whether investment schemes, such as the Ingenious litigation or claims against individual tax advisers). In this regard, he was one of the panel of barristers retained by the Chartered Institute of Taxation for several years.
Featured cases
In addition, George has acted in a number of warranty claims arising out of SPAs which tie in with his accountancy related experience and also disciplinary proceedings involving ATT, ACCA and ICAEW and in high profile proceedings brought by the FRC (defending firm of accountants and actuaries).
George has significant experience of professional liability claims in the financial context. That experience is based both on his accountants/actuaries related work and also work for and against IFAs.
Having worked as co-editor of Sweet & Maxwell’s 5 volume ‘Encyclopedia of Financial Services Law’ he has a very good understanding of the relevant statutory framework.
Prior to taking silk he successfully represented an individual said to have given negligent advice in relation to CFDs (contracts for difference) at a five week commercial court trial: (Stokors v IG Markets & Craigcrook [2013] EWHC 631 (Comm)).
George’s experience of insurance broker related work has ranged from claims defending coverholders (e.g. Markerstudy v Synergy) to claims against brokers for advice on cover, e.g. Crowson v HSBC Insurance Brokers Ltd [2010] Lloyd’s Rep. I.R. 441.
His experience of insurance work more generally provides helpful experience for this area of work (see e.g. Dalecroft Ltd v Certain Lloyds Underwriters [2017] EWHC 1263 (Comm) and Euro Pools Plc (In Administration) v Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Plc [2018] EWHC 46 (Comm)).
George has been involved in a substantial number of claims against solicitors and barristers where the underlying subject matter relates to both civil and criminal matters.
He has appeared in a number of significant cases, with three cases in the Court of Appeal on issues relating to lawyers’ liability:
His work for firms of solicitors has led him to acting for (and against) magic circle law firms, top tier US firms and a range of smaller firms across diverse practise areas.
George has also acted in a number of cases involving barristers, across a range of areas of expertise (such as company law, criminal law and employment law).
George also has extensive experience of costs related matters on behalf of lawyers, such as wasted costs applications, security for costs in the context of ATE and non-party costs orders.
George has extensive experience of claims against valuers involving both residential and commercial property. He has been instructed both by banks seeking to recover losses caused by negligent valuations and also by valuers defending such claims. He also has been involved in a number of mortgage fraud cases.
“George’s advocacy is very strong and he handles both factual and expert witnesses very well. He gets very quickly to the key points in a case and keeps them in focus. His bedside manner is fantastic and clients love him.” – Legal 500, 2024
“George commands the details very quickly and is full of sage practical advice. He is a realist when needed. He is excellent on his feet and doesn’t miss a beat. He is approaching the top of his game in the fraud and asset recovery field and he is a trusted name among peers. He is approachable, a team player and works extremely hard for the client.”– Legal 500
“Always on top of strategy and details, clients love him and he turns work round very quickly.” – Legal 500
“George is a pleasure to work with: he is very pragmatic and user-friendly. He is adept at managing difficult situations and can be relied upon to keep demanding clients happy.” – Legal 500
George is ranked for offshore work in the directories. He is called to the Bar of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (British Virgin Islands) and has been instructed in cases in BVI, St Lucia, St Vincent, Trinidad and Cayman Islands.
Featured Offshore Litigation cases
In addition to the above, George was one of the four co-editors of Sweet & Maxwell’s ‘Encyclopedia of Financial Services Law’ for a number of years giving him additional expertise in both financial services and regulatory issues.
George has acted in some of the major civil fraud claims in recent years – both in the Commercial Court (a successful and complex 20 week trial in 2023), in the BVI (acting successfully for Nissan in 2024 in a civil fraud claim) and in arbitration.
He is a highly experienced advocate, well regarded for his cross-examination, and approach to preparation for trial, paying very close attention to the underlying factual narrative and detail. Examples of key recent cases are as follows:
He is rated in the directories for Civil Fraud who note:
George is an experienced lead advocate in complex and high-value construction matters. Recent cases range from international claims (especially in Dubai and the Middle East) to domestic litigation and adjudication.
George also has considerable experience of PFI related claims, including in a recent adjudication in a high-value PFI contract worth in excess of £700m and in the context of cladding claims (acting for architects in the one of the most important cladding disputes post-Grenfell).
Featured Construction & Engineering cases
“George is fabulous to work alongside. His written opinions are unerringly correct and an examplar of clarity.” – Legal 500
“Commercially astute and able to get to the central issues in dispute. Thoroughly charming, including with opponents which helps to diffuse difficult situations. A good commercial advocate.” – Legal 500
“George is phenomenal. He is always on top of strategy and details, clients love him, and he turns work round very quickly.” – Legal 500
“George is an excellent advocate and particularly good with clients. He is technically excellent, with a detailed knowledge of insurance law, which he is able to apply effectively in any given case.” – Legal 500
“Terrific on his feet and very calm under pressure.” – Legal 500
George has considerable experience of insurance claims, whether advising on questions of policy construction and coverage; non-disclosure and avoidance issues or fighting disputes on behalf of both insurers and insureds at trial.
Featured Insurance cases
In the context of professional indemnity insurance, George has experience of issues relating to the Minimum Terms and Conditions for solicitors and has particular experience of acting in coverage arbitrations.
George’s sports practice focuses on the following areas (i) disciplinary and regulatory work; (ii) governance and selection related issues and (iii) commercial work – whether general contractual advice or, more broadly, litigation or potential disputes between players/agents/clubs/professional bodies.
By way of example of the scope of work, he acted for Nottingham Forest in a trial in the Chancery Division (Al-Hasawi & NFFI Ltd v Nottingham Forest Football Club Limited [2019] EWHC 1287 (Ch)) and he has built up considerable experience of acting for and against agents and he has in a number of high value Football Association Rule K arbitrations on behalf of agents against current or former Premier League players.
He recently acted for a top six Premier League football club in an ICC arbitration.
George is currently acting and advising in a number of sanctions related matters involving both individuals and multi-nationals.
Since many of these cases are highly confidential please contact George for further information.
“An expert in this field. He provides sound and reliable advice. Great with clients and very approachable.” – Legal 500, 2024
“He has a very impressive intellect and a specialist knowledge of disciplinary and regulatory proceedings. Solicitor and client friendly, his reassuring presence inspires confidence.” – Legal 500
George has been recommended for several years by Legal 500 for his professional disciplinary work.
George enjoys disciplinary and regulatory work, recognising the importance of the cases to the professional bodies and the individuals or firms defending proceedings.
He acted for the Law Society in the context of an intervention: Law Society v Ete & Others [2019] EWHC 864 (Ch): urgent application for delivery up under Solicitors Act 1974 on behalf of Law Society).
He has acted on a regular basis as prosecutor and defendant before a number of different tribunals. For example, he has appeared before the Taxation and Disciplinary Board as Prosecutor for the Chartered Institute of Taxation and also the Association of Taxation Technicians and he has also appeared before the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal on behalf of defendant solicitors and he has also acted in a number of complaints brought by the ICAEW and ACCA against individuals and firms.
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In an important judgment, the BVI High Court (Wallbank J) has found…
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We are delighted that 4 New Square Chambers’ George Spalton KC has…
Legal 500“George is the complete article. He is an astute strategist, an excellent advocate and a great team player.”
Chambers & Partners“A rising star with sound commercial acumen and a strong intellect, he's thorough, communicative and a determinedly tough negotiator.”
Chambers & Partners“He is very good with clients and really stands out for his commercial approach.”
Legal 500“Dedicated and diligent; he is always ready to roll up his sleeves and get involved.”
MA Oxon; LL.M Columbia University (New York); Called 2004.
Before commencing practice George read history at Oriel College, Oxford (Ist Mods; II.I Finals) where he was a scholar and won the John Shannon prize for Modern History. After converting to law, George obtained a Masters in Law (LL.M) from Columbia University, New York where he was a Stone Scholar.
4 New Square’s commercial litigation networking breakfast provided a useful forum to…
Introduction Where the law governing a contract containing an arbitration agreement differs…
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