
Demystifying Shareholder Disputes Seminar

Central Manchester Location

14th November 2019

Following our recent ‘Demystifying Shareholder Disputes’ article series, we are hosting an afternoon of seminars looking at the different stages of unfair prejudice claims. The programme is set out below.

Click here to download our ‘Demystifying Shareholder Disputes’ article series.


Chair Graham Chapman QC

15.45 Registration and Coffee

16.00 The Directors Are Treating Me Unfairly: What Can I Do About It? – David Halpern QC and Michael Bowmer

16.25 Issues of relief / remedies – Hugh Jory QC and Helen Evans

17.00 Injunctions, damages and other relief – Shail Patel

17.25 Proxy shareholder disputes and an international perspective plus Q&A – Graham Chapman QC and Matthew Bradley

17.45 Event ends

18.00 Finally, the seminar will be followed by a Drinks Party at a nearby location.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

If you would like to attend and would like further information including the event’s location please email



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